A llama named Dalai
HEAR what’s so special about LLAMAS and learn why Tropical Living will buy a llama on your behalf for a family in need. (We’ve included the sounds of a sweet little llama or you to enjoy.)
Llamas — A llama named Dalai
At home in rough, mountainous areas of Latin America, llamas are a blessing
to families with limited pasture land. They play a pivotal role in the cultural
life of indigenous communities on the high plains of Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru.
Women weave their llamas' fleece into warm clothing to wear or sell. Llamas and
their kin, the alpaca, provide Heifer families with invaluable sources of transportation,
income and wool, which is prized for making blankets, ponchos, carpets and rope.
Llamas are remarkably disease-resistant and require little care; they can carry
small loads for great distances over rugged slopes at high altitudes. As
llamas travel, their padded feet don't damage the fragile terrain and their natural
practice of selective browsing doesn't destroy sparse vegetation. “Passing on
the Gift” means the recipients agree to share the offspring of donated animals
with others in need, who in turn agree to pass on an animal, creating a chain
of income and self-reliance that keeps on giving.
Tropical Living says “Thank You” with Heifer International
As Tropical Living's way of saying “thank you", whenever you buy an island, rent one of our properties for a week or longer, or buy one of our homeware collections, Tropical Living will purchase a livestock animal from Heifer International on your behalf for a family in need. Heifer International is a non-profit community development organization whose goal for over 60 years has been to help end world hunger and poverty through self-reliance and sustainability. They have a simple but powerful vision: that a gift of livestock and training can transform the lives of impoverished families. They help by teaching people how to produce food and income for themselves using donated animals. Heifer also helps communities flourish through small loans and enterprise planning and has helped more than seven million families lift themselves from poverty to self-reliance, providing hope for the future for hungry families all over the world.