A chicken named Susan
HEAR what’s so special about CHICKEN and learn why Tropical Living will buy a chicken on your behalf for a family in need. Time to Listen: 1:27 minutes.(We’ve included the sounds of sweet little chicks for you to enjoy.)
Chickens — A chicken named Susan
Chickens are a real value. Chickens boost family income and nutrition
in Heifer projects worldwide, and provide a steady supply of protein-rich eggs.
A single egg provides the daily protein requirement for a three-year-old child.
Chickens are quick to reproduce, and are easy to feed and care for. Starting
at six months, they can lay up to 200 eggs a year, a reliable source of protein
for families who otherwise subsist mostly on starches. Extra eggs can be sold
to pay for school fees, medicine, clothing and home improvements. In vegetable
gardens, chickens peck at bugs and weeds, scratch up the soil and enrich it with
their droppings. Chickens are a great solution to improving a family's crops
and diet. “Passing on the Gift” means the recipients agree to share the offspring
of donated animals with others in need, who in turn agree to pass on an animal,
creating a chain of income and self-reliance that keeps on giving
Tropical Living says “Thank You” with Heifer International
As Tropical Living's way of saying “thank you", whenever you buy an island, rent one of our properties for a week or longer, or buy one of our homeware collections, Tropical Living will purchase a livestock animal from Heifer International on your behalf for a family in need. Heifer International is a non-profit community development organization whose goal for over 60 years has been to help end world hunger and poverty through self-reliance and sustainability. They have a simple but powerful vision: that a gift of livestock and training can transform the lives of impoverished families. They help by teaching people how to produce food and income for themselves using donated animals. Heifer also helps communities flourish through small loans and enterprise planning and has helped more than seven million families lift themselves from poverty to self-reliance, providing hope for the future for hungry families all over the world.